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Scope of works

Evaluation of Contracts for Construction Abroad

If a contractor already concluded a contract with an investor based on the VOB, BGB, FIDIC, or AIA conditions, sometimes under significantly disadvantageous delivery conditions, we perform additional evaluation of this signed contract and contract conditions. Scope of activities, which a contractor is obliged to perform in agreement with foreign investor contracts, is significantly different from our construction practice.

In case of investor requirements for architect and specialist performances, we will explain delivery conditions in agreement with HOAI compensation schedule, which represents the widest practice used in Germany. Conditions of this schedule are applied here as well by foreign investors.

Based on our analysis, we will suggest a solution for project management, invoicing, submission of extra work, change monitoring, claim agenda etc. in a form of a “cookbook” with analysis of all activities necessary for unproblematic progress of construction to a contractor. A part of this analysis also is creation of own organizational structure to secure the project, including a detailed analysis of activities of all construction management workers. Implementation of this agenda then serves not only for management of the project itself, but also for better exchange of information among construction management structures.

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